Paint Pinot Art Café

Website Redesign

Paint Pinot Art Café

This website redesign was a complete rebuild from a previous platform. Working closely with Paint Pinot owner Tina Hansen, we implemented a new website layout and incorporated a bolder colour scheme which still complemented the logo design. The result is a website that stands out from their competition. Most importantly the new website provides their customers an easily accessible booking gateway. 

Website Redesign, Paint Pinot Art Café

Paint Pinot, Animated Logo

After providing several animation concepts to Paint Pinot, we worked together to find the perfect final outcome. Ideas were combined to ensure the final animation was dynamic and eye catching. Although the complete animation lasts for only six seconds, the thought process and production was treated with the same care as a cinematic feature. 

The final step was to develop a sharp and concise sound design that breathes life into each element. Once again the overall animation begins and ends quite quickly though each second counts. The final outcome paints a picture of what the business provides and is a great introduction to customers.

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